
"Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path"

Psalm 119:105

Discover how you can join others at Harvest to learn God's Word through our weekly and periodic classes.

Church Matters Class

Sundays, April 27, 2025 through May 18, 2025
8:30 - 9:30am in Room113/114
Join us as we look at God's heart for church membership in the Bible, and talk about how we work that out practically here at Harvest. We'd love to help you become part of our family.

Winter 2025 Classes & Studies

Women's Bible Studies

Women of the Word: Mastering Bible Study Methods 
Thursdays, Beginning March 6, 2025
10:00 am-12:00 pm in Room 116

Marcia Rigamonti is back as our leader on Thursday mornings and she leading a class this Spring. This class is designed for women who are eager to dive deeper into Scripture and grow in their understanding of God's Word. As "Women of the Word," we’ll explore various Bible study methods designed to equip you with the tools to study the Bible effectively and meaningfully.  Learn how to interpret, apply, and live out the truths of Scripture in your daily life. Join us as we become more intentional in our study and embrace the transformative power of God’s Word.
Out of Place but Not Alone: Overcoming Fear with Daniel and Esther 
Wednesdays, Beginning March 12, 2024
6:30-8:00 pm in Room 202

In this empowering Bible study, we will walk alongside two courageous figures—Daniel and Esther—who faced incredible fear and uncertainty in foreign lands where they didn’t belong. Despite the challenges and pressures they encountered, they found strength in God’s presence and faithfulness.  Through their stories, we’ll explore how to overcome fear, trust in God’s plan, and find our identity and courage in Him, even when we feel out of place. This study will deepen your understanding of the power of faith in the midst of exile, helping you build resilience and experience the comfort of knowing that, like Daniel and Esther, you are never truly alone.  Join us for a journey of grace, strength, and fearless trust in God’s unshakable promises.

Feel free to contact Sandy Burgess with any questions at

Sunday Bible Class:  Prison Epistles

Every Sunday before Services
8:30 am in Room 202

Toward the end of his ministry, Paul was under house arrest in Rome for two years. What did he do for two years?  For one thing, he wrote letters to churches he couldn't visit. We have four of those letters in the New Testament: Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians and Philemon.  For another, Paul had the freedom to preach in Rome, though he was hand-cuffed to a Roman guard. One of his converts was a guy named Onesimus, a run-away slave that had belonged to a fellow believer, Philemon in Colossae. So Paul wrote a public letter to the Colossian church, and a very private letter to Philemon. One purpose was to get Onesimus back to Philemon without getting him executed, the common penalty for a run-away slave.  We'll look at those letters and their all-too human background in more detail in the class.

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