Membership at Harvest

Being connected to God means being connected in relationship with others too! Join our church family at Harvest by becoming a Member. Learn more using the links below.

First Step: Attend the Church Matters class

Join us as we look at God's heart for church membership in the Bible. We'll look at what we believe (Doctrine), how we function (Membership), how decisions are made (Leadership Structure), and how you can participate in our vision (Discipleship at Harvest). 

Let us know you're coming to the next Church Matters class by using the link below. 

Also, check out the helpful information about church membership a bit further down the page.

Next Church Matters Class

All sessions take place at 8:30am, before the 10am Worship Service in Room 113/114.

The next sessions begin September 22, 2024 and will continue on September 29, October 6, and October 13, 2024

Ask Questions or RSVP for the Church Matters Class

Church Membership Resources

Two Helpful Articles

Does Church Membership Matter?
A brief introduction to what the Bible says - and what our culture tends to believe - about church membership.

6 Reasons Why Church Membership Matters
Why joining your helps your church... and you!

Harvest's Core Documents

Recommended reading before attending the Membership Class.

Membership Covenant
Doctrinal Statement
Constitution & Bylaws


Before joining a church we join God's family by repenting of our sins and placing our faith in Jesus. Baptism is how we show we've joined God's family, and is a necessary step before church membership.

Contact us

Questions about church membership? Baptism? Anything else? Let us know!