Our Mission

The Great Commission is our mission

Jesus gave his followers their mission in a Bible passage that's often called the Great Commission. In Matthew 28:18-20 he said "Go and make disciples of all nations..." We understand this instruction to apply to all churches at all times, including ours. Simply put, we're here to make disciples.

Jesus goes on to explain that the disciple-making process means two things:
  • It begins with helping people become Christians by preaching the Gospel and baptizing those who receive it: "...baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit..." 
  • It continues by teaching people to live in obedience to everything Jesus commanded: "...teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you." 
So, making disciples is not just about evangelism, nor is it just about spiritual growth. It's about both.

We believe, then, that Jesus our Lord has already determined our church's mission statement. Our mission is to make disciples of Jesus. Or, as we like put it, Harvest exists to help all people find and follow Jesus. 

Three aspects of God's mission for the church 

God's Word

God's Spirit

God's People

The Bible is God's own words: the authoritative record of his message to humanity. We grow as Christians and succeed as churches by learning and living the Bible. At Harvest, we seek to base everything we do on Scripture. 
In practice, this means we're committed to Expositional Preaching, to Biblically-ordered worship services, and to equipping our members to learn and live out the Bible for themselves.
God's Spirit indwells every Christian, opening our minds to rightly understand his word, transforming our hearts to fully obey his word, and empowering our serving and our witness to spread his word.
In practice, this means we depend on God's Spirit by praying together in prayer meetings and worship services, we practice a culture of prayer in our relationships with one another, and we encourage members to use their spiritual gifts to build up the church.
God has always worked by calling out a people for himself from among the world, and today that people is the church. Local churches are the tangible, God-ordained expressions of his people: families that are united to one another because we're united to Christ. The local church is the centerpiece of Jesus' mission to spread his word to the world.
In practice, this means we're committed to meaningful church membership, to a generous relational culture, and to serving our church and one another.

Listen as Pastor Matt unpacks Harvest's mission in this sermon from Acts 2:41-47

Find out more about us!

Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 am.
Get a first look at Harvest in a relaxed environment at the next Discover Harvest.
Check out the Harvest Community Church Podcast.
Contact us with any questions you may have.