
"Listen to what I am telling you: Open your eyes and look at the fields, because they are ready for Harvest. The reaper is already receiving pay and gathering fruit for eternal life, so that the sower and reaper can rejoice together."

John 4:35b-36

The Bible tells us that the task of evangelism, which means that the gospel is accessible to every person, is the responsibility of the church. God has created us all with unique talents, gifts, and abilities. We, at Harvest, desire to use these parts of our lives to be disciples who make disciples of all nations. We believe that being missional is who we are as followers of Jesus Christ. Harvest prayerfully, financially, and through acts of service support our global missionaries and our local partners.

Recent Missionary Prayer Update

We invite you to pray for the specific needs of our Global Missionaries and partnerships as well as our local partnerships that we have in our community. A paper copy is available at the church office or at the Welcome Center at church.

MSG - Missionary Support Group

Next meeting:  October 16th  3:00 pm Library

Ladies: we invite you to  come and pray with us for the specific needs of our Global Missionaries and partnerships as well as our local partnerships that we have in our community.

Active Missionaries

Travis and Sharon

Travis, Sharon and their kids are a family of five that serve in West Asia.

Ted and Donna Clibbon

Canada Mission serves the Native people living in SE Saskatchewan, Canada.

Adrian and Jacee Webber

Adrian runs a gospel dance ministry called Refined/Undignified at Briercrest Bible College in Caronport, SK Canada

SEA Partners - Boma, South Sudan

SEA Partners focuses on educating children and pastors, advancing community development for the South Sudanese people.

Haiti Foundation of Hope

HFH oversees local healthcare, a local school,
community health, and a micro-loan program to care for the people who live in Terre Blanche, Haiti.

Grace Extended Ministries

GEM furthers the gospel through prayer, discipleship, and grace-filled evangelism throughout Africa.

We also support other missionaries who serve in various parts of the world. For their safety, and ministry work, we can not share their information online.