Weekly Update

Scroll down this page to stay up to date on everything in the life of Harvest!

Current Sermon Series:
The Gospel of Luke - Good News for All People

This year we will have our souls nourished and our vision refreshed by God’s Word as we walk through the Gospel of Luke together. This book unpacks the beauty of God’s salvation so that it captivates our hearts anew and compels us to share it with all peoples. Join us as God builds his church at Harvest through the Gospel of Luke.

March 16th  Luke 6:17-49
March 23rd  Luke 7:1-35
March 30th  Luke 7:36 – 8:21
April 6th  Luke  8:22-56

Renew Prayer Meeting - Corporate Evangelism

Tuesday, March 11, 2025
6:30-7:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room

During this Renew season, we have a chance to build community and pray together with the focus on evangelism. Join us as you are able or join us for all six Tuesday evenings, beginning March 11 through April 15.

Brown Bag Lunch 

Wednesday,  March 12, 2024
12:00 - 1:00pm in Room 113/114

Brown Bag lunches are held every second Wednesday of each month. Please join us on March 12th for our next one; bring your “brown bag” and enjoy conversation with new and old friends. 

Women's Bible Study

Thursdays, Beginning March 6, 2025
10:00 am-12:00 pm in Room 116

Women of the Word: Mastering Bible Study Methods
Marcia Rigamonti is back as our leader on Thursday mornings and she leading a class this Spring. This class is designed for women who are eager to dive deeper into Scripture and grow in their understanding of God's Word. As "Women of the Word," we’ll explore various Bible study methods designed to equip you with the tools to study the Bible effectively and meaningfully.
Learn how to interpret, apply, and live out the truths of Scripture in your daily life. Join us as we become more intentional in our study and embrace the transformative power of God’s Word.

Women's Bible Study

Wednesdays, Beginning March 12, 2024
6:30-8:00 pm in Room 202

Out of Place but Not Alone: Overcoming Fear with Daniel and Esther
In this empowering Bible study, we will walk alongside two courageous figures—Daniel and Esther—who faced incredible fear and uncertainty in foreign lands where they didn’t belong. Despite the challenges and pressures they encountered, they found strength in God’s presence and faithfulness.
Through their stories, we’ll explore how to overcome fear, trust in God’s plan, and find our identity and courage in Him, even when we feel out of place. This study will deepen your understanding of the power of faith in the midst of exile, helping you build resilience and experience the comfort of knowing that, like Daniel and Esther, you are never truly alone.
Join us for a journey of grace, strength, and fearless trust in God’s unshakable promises.

Men's Ministry Prayer Meeting

Saturday, March 15, 2025  (EVERY THIRD SATURDAY OF THE MONTH)
8:00am - 9:00am in Room 116

Join us as we pray for the needs of the men, families and ministries of Harvest. 

Bev Bernath Memorial Service

Saturday, March 15, 2025 
11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Bev Bernath passed away January 27, 2025. She is with the Lord, in His presence in heaven.
You are invited to celebrate her life with her family.

Baptism Sunday 

Sunday, March 16, 2025
10:00am Sunday Service

Join us as we celebrate the joy of Baptism in our church family during the morning worship service.

Polity Revision Q & A Session 

Sunday, March 16, 2025
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Room 113/114
Childcare will be provided.

Have questions about Harvest's proposed Constitution and By-Laws changes?  Members are welcome join us in Room 113/114 for a good discussion.

Memorial Service for David Nebrensky

Saturday, March 22, 2025
2:00 pm at Harvest Community Church

We invite you to the Memorial Service to honor the life of David Nebrensky. A reception in the atrium will follow.

Meal Train for John and Carol Elms

Beginning March 21, 2025

We’ve created a MealTrain for Carol and John while Carol recovers from her knee surgery. Please feel free to pass this along to the CLG email list.
They anticipate Carol will be in the hospital for 2-3 days, so a MealTrain for them begins on Friday, March 21.
If you’d like to participate, you can sign up below.
Carol has requested no balloons or flowers. Thank you,

Let's Talk!

Sunday, April 6, 2025
11:45 am - 1:00 pm
Childcare will not be provided

It’s important for us to have places to talk with one another about how to live as Christians in our world. Let’s Talk! is just such a place. Our goal is to bring a Biblical perspective to the questions and issues that are on our minds. We’ll start with questions related to the Sunday sermon text, and then open our time up to address any other issues on your minds. Bring your questions, and let’s talk!

Women's Spring Retreats

When we introduce ourselves, it's often easy to focus on what we do or who we're connected to. As believers, we are connected directly to God. And, because of that, what we are called to do is to reflect God's character to all those around us. How do we do that? Knowing His character deeply is key to living in a way that reflects His love and truth to the world.
At our retreats this Spring, we will be focusing on four key parts of God's character, so that we might grow in our understanding of who He is and, as a result, become more intentional in how we reflect Him. Come join us for the journey!
Registration for the March retreat is full. You may still register for April 25-27.
If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Burgess at sandyb@harvestcc.org.


Are you gifted as an instrumentalist, and would like to serve on our worship music team at Harvest? If you’ve had experience playing drums, bass guitar, acoustic or electric guitar, percussion, or keyboards on a worship team or an orchestral instrument in an ensemble (strings, woodwinds, or brass) - we’d love to hear from you! Commitment is one Sunday morning per month, with a Thursday night rehearsal. Please contact Bruce Wickersheim at the link below for more info.

Harvest Podcast Episode 40

The podcast is a congregational conversation space - a place to engage with the life of our church and it's mission to make disciples.  
Listen in, talk about it with others, send us feedback. Join the conversation!

Episode 40 - Renew Season 2025
What are we doing as a church to intentionally grow spiritually during the Renew season this year? As a church, we're focusing on gospel outreach and how we can grow in our corporate, personal, and global evangelistic efforts as a church. Listen to this episode with Pastors Matt and Chris as they discuss what we will focus on as a church for Renew 2025.

Podcast is available on our webpage - Media>Podcast>Episodes
Harvest App - Media tab>The Harvest Podcast
Found where you listen to podcasts - Apple, YouTubeMusic, Stitcher, Spotify, Pandora   - look for this blue graphic!

Financial Report for February 2025

Missions Update

We invite you to pray for the specific needs of our Global Missionaries and partnerships as well as our local partnerships that we have in our community. A paper copy is available at the church office or at the Welcome Center at church.