How it all started...
Expanding the vision...
Where we are headed...
Harvest was planted in 1986 by Village Baptist Church of Beaverton, in partnership with our association Church Venture Northwest. We still reside on the original property, which was chosen because of the need for a Gospel witness in the midst of an area that was slated for significant future growth.
As the anticipated residential and business growth took place all around Harvest, the congregation grew as well. Our current facility was constructed in two major phases ending in 2001, and has been completely paid for since 2015. As the church matured, we solidified our commitment to be a Bible-based, Gospel-centered witness to Jesus in our community and the world.
In 2019 we embarked on a full assessment of our strengths and growth opportunities in order to keep growing as a church and not settle. Part way into that process the COVID-19 pandemic shut down most regular church programs, effectively "putting us in dry dock." We used this time to focus with fresh unity and energy on our calling to make disciples of all peoples (Matthew 28:19). Our core passion is to help all people find and follow Jesus. How can we help you?
Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10:00 am.